„Why don’t you do a Weihnukka CD“, that’s what label boss Daniel Dinkel said to me on the phone. My reply: „Me? Something religious? I’m not that into religion. Daniel, are you sure I‘m the right person?“ He said, „ Yes, just go ahead.“
So I decided to record a very personal „Weihnukka“ CD and wrap up my own questions around the two festivi-ties of Christmas and Hanukkah.
The term „Weihnukka“ developed in the 19th century, during the Jewish Enlightenment, when it was in vogue for German Jews to adapt to the German customs: presents, a Christmas tree, and simultaneously Hanukkah celebrations with the Hanukkiah and spinning top games for the children. It could have become a charming German-Christian-Jewish symbiosis. Were it not that this delicate root of a newly founded tradition was badly damaged by National Socialism and the Holocaust. This CD gives “Weihnukka” a new try. „Weihnukka“ - a sym-biosis of two festivals “Weihnachten” (Christmas) and Hanukka, although they had nothing in common, except that they both are celebrated around the winter solstice. Hanukkah commemorates the liberation through an armed uprising; whereas Christmas promises „Peace on earth among men in whom he is well pleased.“ (although Christmas radically separates the Old from the New Testament).
For me the common message of both religious holiday is to encourage people to create a better future. And this issue of a brighter future is keeping us busy till today in the 21st century. It looks like we humans are cur-rently successfully destroying our own basis of existence. Still the dream of a better future for human beings, animals and the environment is far from over.
My wish for Weihnukka: We shall overcome. Despite everything.
Andrea Pancur, Munich, in August 2019