Michael Suttner

The eyes of every friend of operetta will shine: Michael Suttner has rediscovered the Lieder of Charles Kalman, son of Emmerich Kálmán, and recorded them on CD with the Munich Symphony Orchestra. Among other works, the tenor presents the “Zigeunerlied,” (Gypsy Song) the “Clown-Lied” as well as titles from the operetta Antonia and the revue operetta Wir reisen um die Welt (We’re Travelling Round the World). The compilation of this CD is expanded by betterknown works of the father.

Together with Stefanie C. Braun, Michael Suttner sings lieder, arias and duets from Gräfin Mariza (Countess Mariza), Die Csardasfürstin (The Csardas Princess), Das Veilchen von Montmartre (The Violet of Montmartre) and Die Zirkusprinzessin (The Circus Princess).
Kálmán & Kalman OC 769