World Music  Lateinamerika  Peru
Various Artists Traditional Music of Peru, Vol. 8: Piura SFW40451 CD
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Price: 16.98 EURO

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FormatAudio CD
Ordering NumberSFW40451
labelSmithsonian Folkways
Release date4/6/2005
Release date11/26/2002

Manufacturer/EU Representative

  • Company nameGalileo Music Communication GmbH
  • AdresseDachauer Str. 5-7, Fürstenfeldbruck Fürstenfeldbruck, DE

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      This 8th and final volume of the acclaimed series Traditional Music of Peru features the musical and cultural diversity of Piura. From the coastal areas influenced by indigenous Tallan and Afro-Peruvian traditions to the Andean highlands, this CD contains ceremonial music, secular songs, and music for dances and popular theater. Many of the performances feature brass bands, others are performed by string ensembles, while other are sung to guitar, flute, harp, or drum accompaniment. Recorded throughout 1994, this collection illuminates another facet of the richness of traditional music and cultures in Peru. Extensive notes in English and Spanish, photos. 47 minutes.

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