World Music  USA  Afro-American
Paul Robeson The Collector's Paul Robeson [CD] MN-61580-CD CD
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Price: 12.98 EURO

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FormatAudio CD
Ordering NumberMN-61580-CD
labelMonitor Records
Release date01/01/2024

Manufacturer/EU Representative

  • Company nameGalileo Music Communication GmbH
  • AdresseDachauer Str. 5-7, Fürstenfeldbruck Fürstenfeldbruck, DE

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      While well known as a political activist and actor, Paul Robeson the singer also had a commanding presence, achieved through the quality of his baritone and the feeling he brought to the songs he chose to sing. This collection represents a true cross-section of his repertoire: folk songs, work songs, spirituals, and art songs, from Dvorak to "Joe Hill," "Stand Still Jordan" to "Kaddish."

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