“ It's just me playing electric & acoustic guitars, a deep loud bass, there’s all kinds of
percussions & drums, and there’s me singing. I barely remember the recording sessions -
all I know is that I gave all I had. Like a sleepwalker, running for peace, joy, love. For me,
Playing is Praying. And then I ditched everything that didn’t hit me in the gut.” Mario
Mario Knapp - Guitarist - Singer - Album Maker
RUN RUN RUN is Mario Knapp aka MOBILE ETHNIC MINORITY's 12th studio album.
Before he decided to dedicate himself completely to making his own music, he has also
worked as a studio musician all over Europe, making records with lots of great artists from
Germany, USA, Canada, UK and Sweden. Starting his one-man-orchestra MOBILE
ETHNIC MINORITY in 2011, he since then released 11 studio albums, all made in his
Munich studio. His handplayed music is written, performed, recorded, produced and mixed
by himself. Sometimes he invites guest players. Mario's simple, yet deep and soulful lyrics
are accompanied by colorful guitar arrangements. Sometimes you hear just one guitar,
sometimes there’s textures, layers, soundscapes."