It’s been 30 years since Xabier first blew into a bagpipe until Coplas para Icía (2007).
His curiosity enabled new experiences with pop(ular) music always on the horizon:
Xacarandaina, Rumbadeira, his first field researches, a constant teaching activity,
associations, contests, festivals, etc.
He became a part of Nova Galega de Danza performing in the shows «Alento»,
«Engado» and «Tradición» between 2005 and 2009.
On early 2008 Berrogüetto knocked on Xabier's door and the trip lasted till 2014,
when the band announced its dissolution. During that time they released the albums
Kosmogonías (2010) and O pulso da terra (2011). Consequently, they were awarded by
the Music Academy with «Best Song in Galician Language» (2011) and «Best Folk
Music Band» in the first edition of Martin Codax Galician Music Awards (2013), as well
as Best Soundtrack Mestre Mateo Award for the film Inevitable (2014).
Along with great music partners and friends such as Guadi Galego, Guillermo
Fernández and Xosé Lois Romero took part in the «aCadaCanto project», and released
the albums aCadaCanto (2012) and A Rosa D'Adina (2014).
He collaborated in many albums and concerts with different artists through the years:
Carmen París, Xosé Manuel Budiño, Kepa Junquera, Guadi Galego and Os Cempés,
among others.
Moreover, he took his music to many places such as Mexico, Zimbabwe, Germany,
Uruguay, Italy, Peru, Denmark, France, Switzerland, Argentina, Norway, Belgium, Cuba,
Scotland, Ireland, etc.
In 2015 he released the album The Tambourine man with Adufeiras de Salitre. This
album was awarded for Best Album in Galician Language at the Independent Music
Awards (2016), Best Album of Traditional Music at the Martin Codax Galician Music
Awards (2016), Best Song in Galician Language at the first edition of aRitmar Awards.
Furthermore, The Tambourine man has remained at the top ten of the World Music
Charts Europe during February and March 2016.
Since the release of The Tambourine Man and after more than 70 live shows in barely
two years, he visited Algeria, Oslo, Lorient, Le Chatre, Glasgow, Lisbon, Madrid and
Since 2015 he has been working with the female group of traditional music "Adufeiras
de Salitre", with whom he has already released three albums: The tambourine man,
Noró e As catedrais silenciadas.
With this new album Xabier resumes his solo career and his personal projects.
"Levantarse e Caer" delves into the feelings of well-being, self-knowledge and
kindness, and the relevance of childhood experiences in the construction of our adult
There is a place called childhood, in that place we receive the most radical impacts of
our existence, those that last in time, those that are reborn when we no longer
remembered that they had occurred; love, injustice, friendship, fear, respect, envy...
some hurt and others are healing.
Searching for the place where they have been hiding can be of great help, then it is
time to relocate again, resilience... learn to lose and win no matter the place, relativize
success and failure, fall and get up... get up and fall down.
Rise and fall is a small sonorous treatise of all those feelings... some lullabies, some
songs to vindicate us and some others to heal us...