“Partenze” (Departures) is a trip to the South, a South from which we start and where we can
returns. South not only as a place geographical and physical, but as a place cultural and mental: Sicily, Africa, South America. The central concept of Partenze is the migration: the journey
for seeking fortune, job, psychological well-being, relational, affective and emotional.
The sounds on this record born, unquestionably, in south of Italy, in particular in Salento. They take their perfumes from the coasts and low vegetation Mediterranean. Let themselves contaminate Africa, cousin of rhythms and melodies that much needs our musical culture. The artistic production is curated by Riccardo Tesi, composer and accordeon player of international renown, considered one of the musicians more authoritative of the European world music scene.
The musicians who played on this record represent the excellence of the scene of Salento and Italy: Redi Hasa (cello), Roberto Chiga (percussion), Emanuele Coluccia (from BandAdriatica, Adria, on saxofone.), Alessia Tondo (voice), Giulio Bianco (from Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino, flute), Maurizio Geri and Gigi Biolcati (guitarist and percussionist of Banditaliana), Vincenzo Zitello (harpist and collaborator of Ivano Fossati, Franco Battiato etc.)