Pop  Kinder  Französisch
Par Le Groupe Doudou Swing Mister Django Et Madame Swing FA870 CD
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Price: 15.98 EURO

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FormatAudio CD
Ordering NumberFA870
Release date4/1/2015

Manufacturer/EU Representative

  • Company nameFREMEAUX & ASSOCIES
  • Adresse20 rue Robert Giraudineau, 94300 VINCENNES, FR
  • e-Mailinfo@galileo-mc.de

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      This CD delivers an original musical tale especially written and composed for the Children: “Mister Django et Madame Swing” by the band Doudoud Swing. Initiation to the music, but also to love and to the respect of other cultures, the tale presents the adventures of a young Mister Django, who learns how to play the guitar between the adventurous advices of Professor Onoff, the delightful beauty of Mademoiselle Swing, and the dreadful pressure of La Sorcière des arpèges ! This CD alternates narration and original songs.” Benjamin Goldenstein & Patrick Frémeaux

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