Pop  Singer-Songwriter
Claude - Alain Delon - Jacques Deray Bolling Les Musiques De Bolling Pour Les Films De Delon Mis En ScÈNe Par Deray (Direction : Stéphane Lerouge) FA519 CD
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Price: 15.98 EURO

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FormatAudio CD
Ordering NumberFA519
Release date4/1/2015

Manufacturer/EU Representative

  • Company nameFREMEAUX & ASSOCIES
  • Adresse20 rue Robert Giraudineau, 94300 VINCENNES, FR
  • e-Mailinfo@galileo-mc.de

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      Frémeaux & Associés delivers the anthology of the soundtracks composed by Claude Bolling for the Alain Delon - Jacques Deray movies. Presented by Stephane Lerouge in a 16 pages booklet. “In 1969, Borsalino was my first great film as a producer and I met Claude Bolling. For me, that memory is unforgettable. Because the music brought as much to the film, as the film did to the music. Even today, no matter where I go, whatever the country, there’s always a piano or an orchestra that plays the Borsalino theme! In other words, my dear Claude, Borsalino and your music have made us both immortal... and they will survive us!” Alain DELON

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