Rockport Records

Rockport Records GmbH was founded in 1975 by Bernd Gruber, at that time with several record stores and a mail-order record business with a catalogue for end consumers.

The shops and catalogue were characterised above all by a broad rock music programme, which was supplemented by many current imports that were hardly available in Germany. At the same time, the wholesale trade in sound carriers grew, as did the repertoire supply of record shops with buses.

By 1978, the record trade was already being supplied throughout Germany with its own vehicles. This is where the first contacts were made with small labels and bands / artists who did not find the right distribution conditions in Germany. For two years, wholesale and distribution ran parallel and more and more artists and labels were integrated into ROCKPORT distribution and complete distribution for southern Germany was taken over from another music distributor called Verlag Pläne und Zubehörhersteller.

In 1979, Rockport Records produced the first long-playing record on its own label, SECOND PAGE / CRAWLER, with the number RO 001. Just one year later, the label LOTUS was founded for singer-songwriters, and by 1981, artists such as Rodgau Monotones and Schwoißfuaß were already under contract with Rockport. Admittedly not yet well known, but the following second long-playing records each had incredible sales figures. Labels for hard rock and newcomers followed, and later still more labels followed, also in connection with art and books.

In 1983, Rockport decided to hand over distribution to major companies and to concentrate more on promoting its products on the radio, TV and in the press. From that point on, Rockport products could often be seen in the media.

In 2022, Daniel Dinkel of Galileo Music took over Rockport Records and has been running the label's business ever since. The first two albums by the band Trance, Break Out and Power Infusion, have since been released in newly remastered versions with new booklets.

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    Rock  Heavy Metal
    Price: 17.98 EURO

    Rock  Deutschland
    Price: 17.98 EURO

    Pop  Deutschland
    Price: 21.98 EURO

    Rock  Heavy Metal
    Price: 17.98 EURO

    Rock  Deutschland
    Price: 21.98 EURO

    Rock  Deutschland
    Price: 17.98 EURO

    Rock  Deutschland
    Price: 17.98 EURO

    Rock  Deutschland
    GrachmusikoffLive 38810592 CD
    Price: 17.98 EURO

    Rock  International
    TranceVictory 38810562 CD
    Price: 17.98 EURO

    Rock  Deutschland
    Price: 17.98 EURO

    Rock  Deutschland
    Price: 17.98 EURO

    Rock  International
    Price: 12.00 EURO

    Rock  Deutschland
    Price: 17.98 EURO

    Rock  Deutschland
    Price: 15.39 EURO

    Rock  Deutschland
    FlatschZwo! 38810192 CD
    Price: 17.98 EURO

    Rock  Metal
    Price: 22.98 EURO

    Rock  Metal
    Price: 17.98 EURO

    Rock  International
    Price: 12.00 EURO

    Rock  Deutschland
    Price: 17.98 EURO

    Rock  International
    Price: 17.98 EURO

    Rock  Heavy Metal
    Price: 17.98 EURO

    Rock  Heavy Metal
    Price: 17.98 EURO

    Pop  Deutschland  Liedermacher
    Adam & Die Micky'sUwe, Uwe, Uwe 62513547 Single (analog)
    Price: 5.00 EURO

    Rock  Deutschland
    Rodgau MonotonesHallo, ich bin Hermann 61554227 Single (analog)
    Price: 5.95 EURO

    Rock  Deutschland
    Rodgau MonotonesMein Freund Harvey 62006337 Single (analog)
    Price: 5.95 EURO

    Pop  Deutschland
    Adam & Die Micky'sDas Starkstromlied AS145310 Single (analog)
    Price: 5.95 EURO

    Rock  Deutschland
    Rodgau MonotonesEi Gude wie CBSA3291 Single (analog)
    Price: 5.95 EURO

    Pop  Deutschland
    Price: 5.95 EURO

    Rock  Metal
    SignII (LP) 0896361 LP
    Price: 9.98 EURO

    Pop  Deutschland
    Price: 4.00 EURO

    Jazz  Soul
    Supercharge & Albie DonnellyFull Power 0899311 LP
    Price: 12.30 EURO

    Rock  Deutschland
    Price: 12.00 EURO

    Rock  Metal
    Price: 17.98 EURO

    Pop  Deutschland
    Price: 21.98 EURO

    Rock  Deutschland
    Price: 17.98 EURO

    Rock  Deutschland
    Price: 21.98 EURO

    Rock  International
    TranceBreak Out (CD) 38810132CD CD
    Price: 17.98 EURO

    Rock  Deutschland
    Price: 22.98 EURO

    Rock  Metal
    TranceRockers (CD) 38810872 CD
    Price: 17.98 EURO