Music label SOLITON dominates the Tri-City scene (Noth of Poland) and has been dynamically operating on the domestic music market for over thirty years, distinguishing itself with its experience and successes in the industry.
The publishing house's productions enjoy great sympathy among listeners, as evidenced by gold and platinum albums honoring their many years of achievements.
Performers of various types of music who cooperate with the label achieve numerous professional successes on domestic and foreign stages - they participate in music festivals, give concerts, participate in radio broadcasts, and their albums are eagerly reviewed and described in popular music magazines. This is achieved thanks to intensive promotion of each product, gaining reputable and valued media patronage and support for artists in gaining contacts in the music world.
In its publishing activities, SOLITON relies on its own licenses and successfully provides and uses licenses from related foreign and domestic publishing houses. It is also a global distributor of musical materials, which is an expression of great trust among musicians.
The rich music catalog of the SOLITON publishing house is proudly presented all over the world - so far this has enabled cooperation not only in Europe (including Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic), but also in China and the United States and has contributed to satisfactory global sales of digital files .
SOLITON has its own Polish online store - at - with a convenient interface giving access to a wide, constantly growing music offer within a few clicks. is the only store in Poland recommended by the ZPAV organization to which Soliton has belonged for over 25 years. The company is also a member of the Council of the Fryderyk Academy of Phonographic Awards and an associated member of ZAIKS.
Currently, SOLITON combines music databases to create publishing libraries to streamline licensing for various productions using music. In this regard, the company cooperates with Polish and global publishing giants.