Though he has overcome many obstacles and achieved
much in the pursuit of his musical career, trumpeter Pete
Rodriguez regularly feels that he needs to dodge others’
assumptions about him and truly introduce himself… and
as emphatically as possible. Rodriguez’s new recording, I’m
Pete Rodriguez, Volume 1, is a bold declaration of intention
and identity, not only musically but personally.
On I’m Pete Rodriguez, the trumpeter presents a brand
new quartet. Longtime friend and collaborator Rudy
Royston wasn’t available for Rodriguez’s project but suggested
his young son, Koleby Royston. The younger Royston
proved to be a perfect fit with a professionalism and dedication
beyond his youth. Rodriguez met bassist Raul Reyes in
Dallas. The University of North Texas grad impressed with a
fabulous command on his instrument and a winning personality.
Reyes relocated to New York and introduced Rodriguez
to pianist Esteban Castro, who had just graduated from Julliard,
and the tremendous woodwind player Jon Beshay.