World Music  Spanien  Flamenco
Vicente Amigo Andenes Del Tiempo 865568 CD
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Price: 25.99 EURO

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FormatAudio CD
Ordering Number865568
Release date5/31/2024

Manufacturer/EU Representative

  • Company nameT-Sunami Merch S.L.
  • AdressePallars 65 2º 4a, 08018 Barcelona, ES

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      Legendary guitarist Vicente Amigo presents today his ninth studio album; 'Andenes del tiempo'. An instrumental project in which Amigo has been fully involved; resulting in a very personal work. Although rooted in the language of flamenco; the album stands out for the variety of stylistic content; from two traditional bulerías and a soleá to tanguillos from Cádiz and a pasodoble; dedicated to the maestro José Tomás; with whom he shares mutual admiration and personal friendship. In addition; we will find a couple of rumbas; each with its own musical nuance; in which internationally renowned artists collaborate such as Marcus Miller who contributes 'details' of harmony that bring us closer to Brazilian music; or Dave Weckl and Tom Kennedy who add subtle jazz influences. A bolero is also included; a style already common in several previous albums. With this release, Vicente Amigo continues to consolidate his position as one of the main exponents of current flamenco and guitar worldwide. 'Andenes del tiempo' promises to be an exciting and evocative journey through the unique soundscapes created by this guitar virtuoso

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