World Music  Spanien
Sisa Malalts Del Cel (2LP) SATKLP198 2 LP
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Price: 37.98 EURO

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Format2 Vinyl LP
Ordering NumberSATKLP198
labelSatelite K
Release date1/12/2024

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      Double vinyl LP reissue of this great album by Jaume Sisa titled "Malalts del Cel", according to the artist "this album is the work to which I have dedicated the most time: these last five years I have composed new songs; made tests and mockups; preparing the recording very calmly. It's the first time I produce and direct myself personally and in a unique way. I have controlled the entire process from top to bottom: musicians; collaborations; study; arrangements... it has taken me a long time to take this step but it seems to me that I have finally started to learn something. Els Malalts del Cel are all those people who have the incurable disease of melangia and spiritual elevation; who dream of something impossible or very difficult to achieve; in utopias and dreams of the unconscious. They have within them a kind of black hole that they do not know where it can lead them and what; in any case; they cannot shy away. They are dragged into having to reflect and transmit this mysterious part of the human being."

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