World Music  Brasilien
Quincy Jones & His Big Band Bossa Nova (LP) SHELL027 LP
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Price: 23.98 EURO

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FormatVinyl LP
Ordering NumberSHELL027
Release date2/17/2023

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      Quincy Delight Jones Jr., born 3 March 14, 1933, is an American record producer, musician, songwriter, composer, arranger, and film and television producer. His career spans 70 years in the entertainment industry with a record of 80 Grammy Award nominations, 28 Grammys, and a Grammy Legend Award in 1992. In the 1950s Jones came to prominence as an arranger and conductor, and soon became a big name in pop music and film scores. 1962's "Big Band Bossa Nova" has become one of the most sought after of his early LPs, mainly due to ¡it's opening track "Soul Bossa Nova", which has been widely featured in film and advertising, most notably the opening credits scene in 1997's "Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery”.

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