Pop  Filmmusik
Nacho Cano Malinche Symphonic SATKCD379 CD
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Price: 25.99 EURO

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FormatAudio CD
Ordering NumberSATKCD379
labelSatelite K
Release date12/2/2022

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      Malinche Symphonic is the new album by Nacho Cano; and the author's first after more than a decade of complete dedication to the creation of Malinche El Musical; and constitutes a hymn to diversity and fusion. The flagship song of his masterpiece. Malinche Symphonic is a celebration of the encounter between two peoples and their cultures; that without a doubt it had its dramatic side; but that gave rise to a truly extraordinary fact to know our past; understand our present and enrich our future. The aspiration of the musical is none other than to create a whirlwind of emotions; convey a broader look; optimistic and human leaving a melody in the memory. Put the focus on what unites us; not in what separates us; and vindicate ourselves as what we are: an extraordinary linguistic and cultural community

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