World Music  Spanien  Flamenco
Maria Del Monte Todo Vuelve 14490 CD
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Price: 19.98 EURO

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FormatAudio CD
Ordering Number14490
labelSatelite K
Release date4/29/2022

Manufacturer/EU Representative

  • Company nameT-Sunami Merch S.L.
  • AdressePallars 65 2º 4a, 08018 Barcelona, ES

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      Everything has its moment under the sky; "TODO VUELVE" when the time and circumstances are right; when the pain is assimilated and becomes calm. Time passes inexorably; increasing speed; or so it seems to us. Fourteen years have passed since María del Monte's last record; fourteen years that have not passed in vain; he returns to the place from which he never left; full of hope and renewed energy.

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