Jazz  Contemporary
Pago Libre & Sooon FriendShip CDLR919 CD
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Price: 12.30 EURO

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FormatAudio CD
Ordering NumberCDLR919
labelLeo Records
Release date10/15/2021

Manufacturer/EU Representative

  • Company nameGalileo Music Communication GmbH
  • AdresseDachauer Str. 5-7, Fürstenfeldbruck Fürstenfeldbruck, DE
  • e-Mailinfo@galileo-mc.de

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      More than ever, Pago Libre has earned its reputation as Europe’s outstanding chamber jazz ensemble. For the latest project FriendShip the legendary quartet around Russian horn virtuoso Arkady Shilkloper, Irish-Swiss pianist John Wolf Brennan, Florian Mayer (violin) and Rätus Flisch (bass) has teamed up with singer Sonja Morgenegg and percussionist Tony Majdalani. Dis-Covering rock classics by Yes, Pink Floyd, The Police, Fay Lovsky, Jon Lord, John Lennon and Paul McCartney, Arabic rhythms and old Celtic-Swiss folk songs, they create never-before-heard soundscapes, giving the term “unplugged” a completely new meaning.

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