World Music  Spanien  Flamenco Fusion
Queralt Lahoz Pureza SILR012 CD
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Price: 17.98 EURO

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FormatAudio CD
Ordering NumberSILR012
Release date6/25/2021

Manufacturer/EU Representative

  • Company nameT-Sunami Merch S.L.
  • AdressePallars 65 2º 4a, 08018 Barcelona, ES

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      “PUREZA” is a journey of nine songs that pass through the dancehall; flamenco and R & B and accompanying lyrics written from his perspective; daughter of migrants and working-class woman born on the suburbs of Barcelona. With ´Tu Boca´; the first advance of the disc; Queralt Lahoz explores her most tender and sensual point on a delicate R&B; With the second advance "Dame Doblones" she risks herself with an insubordinate and explosive posture. And with ´Si La Luna Quiere´ the artist shows the most intimate and organic part of her. Queralt Lahoz has one of the most promising voices on the scene and this album is the great demonstration. PUREZA is an album published by Costa Futuro and Say It Loud Records.

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