Choro de Rua was born in 2012 from the desire of spreading Choro
(to be pronounced “shoro”) in Italy and Europe, to give everyone the
opportunity of appreciating this sophisticated instrumental Brazilian
music, good to be played and to be listened to.
Since then, Choro de Rua duo, formed by the Italian flutist
Barbara Piperno and the Brazilian 7-string guitarist and
mandolinist Marco Ruviaro, has had an intense musical activity
trying to disseminate Choro around the world, playing, recording,
organizing masterclasses, making researches, connecting people etc.
Santo Bálsamo has been published by Visage Music label in 2020.
It’s the result of a deep and careful research into contemporary Choro.
Among the composers featured on the album, in addition to Marco
Ruviaro himself, there are some outstanding musicians on the current
Brazilian music scene, including Hamilton de Holanda and André
Mehmari. In this album, there are two incredible guests: Gabriele
Mirabassi (clarinet) and Elizabeth Fadel (piano).
Around 1870, popular music players in Rio de Janeiro — that was the
economic and cultural capital of Brazil in those years — started to
perform the repertoire of European dances in vogue amid the
aristocracy of XIX century (like waltz, scottish and polka) in a
“brazilerized” form, with strong influence of African origin’s rhythms.
Thus CHORO was born!
Since then, the musical universe of Choro has always embraced
different rhythms and styles, including polka, waltz, baião, frevo,
maxixe and tango brasileiro, and had a decisive influence on the
development of samba and bossa-nova.
Most of the Brazilian composers has dealt and still deals with
Choro, from Villa-Lobos to Nazareth, from Tom Jobim to Gismonti,
from Chico Buarque to Guinga, and several generations of
musicians have always contribute to the development and
dissemination of Choro with a lot of love and passion for this
music. Thanks to all this, Choro has become the most important
Brazilian instrumental music.
Barbara Piperno, born in 1980 in Italy, graduated in flute at
Conservatorio Gioachino Rossini in 1996. Besides the activity as
a classical musician, she experimented other musical genres and
discovered the voice as an additional instrument to express
herself. Since 2011, she has been dedicating to Brazilian popular
music, in particular to Choro. She recorded several albums and
performed in Italy and abroad. She has different groups, as
Choro de Rua, Regional Matuto, Elizabeth Fadel and Barbara
Piperno duo and Dialogues between a Guqin and a Dizi.
Marco Ruviaro, born in 1978 in São Paulo (Brazil), started
studying music at the age of 11. Self-taught mandolinist, he is
graduated in classical guitar at the Universidade Estadual
Paulista. He studied guitar with Paulo Porto Alegre, Sidney
Molina, Giacomo Bartoloni and Luciano Lima. He is professor of
guitar and mandolin. He has several music projects in different
countries: Duo Baguá (Spain), New York Choro Duo (USA),
Regional Matuto and Choro de Rua (Italy). He released 9 albums
of Choro and, among them, there is “Acabou o sossego…“
(2014), his first album exclusively dedicated to his own
compositions. Guest of many international Choro festivals and
events, he is considered a virtuoso exponent of the genre.