World Music  Spanien  Galicien
Xabier Díaz & Adufeiras de Salitre The Silenced Cathedrals MS012 CD
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FormatAudio CD
Ordering NumberMS012
Release date7/24/2020

Manufacturer/EU Representative

  • Company nameKaronte Distribuciones (Lieferant)
  • AdresseAvda. Alfonso XIII, 14, 28016 Madrid, ES

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      It’s been 30 years since Xabier first blew into a bagpipe until Coplas para Icía (2007). His curiosity enabled new experiences with pop(ular) music always on the horizon: Xacarandaina, Rumbadeira, his first field researches, a constant teaching activity, associations, contests, festivals, etc.

      He became a part of Nova Galega de Danza performing in the shows «Alento», «Engado» and «Tradición» between 2005 and 2009.

      On early 2008 Berrogüetto knocked on Xabier's door and the trip lasted till 2014, when the band announced its dissolution. During that time they released the albums Kosmogonías (2010) and O pulso da terra (2011). Consequently, they were awarded by the Music Academy with «Best Song in Galician Language» (2011) and «Best Folk Music Band» in the first edition of Martin Codax Galician Music Awards (2013), as well as Best Soundtrack Mestre Mateo Award for the film Inevitable (2014).

      Along with great music partners and friends such as Guadi Galego, Guillermo Fernández and Xosé Lois Romero took part in the «aCadaCanto project», and released the albums aCadaCanto (2012) and A Rosa D'Adina (2014).

      He collaborated in many albums and concerts with different artists through the years: Carmen París, Xosé Manuel Budiño, Kepa Junquera, Guadi Galego and Os Cempés, among others.

      Moreover, he took his music to many places such as Mexico, Zimbabwe, Germany, Uruguay, Italy, Peru, Denmark, France, Switzerland, Argentina, Norway, Belgium, Cuba, Scotland, Ireland, etc.

      In 2015 he released the album The Tambourine man with Adufeiras de Salitre. This album was awarded for Best Album in Galician Language at the Independent Music Awards (2016), Best Album of Traditional Music at the Martin Codax Galician Music Awards (2016), Best Song in Galician Language at the first edition of aRitmar Awards. Furthermore, The Tambourine man has remained at the top ten of the World Music Charts Europe during February and March 2016.

      Since the release of The Tambourine Man and after more than 70 live shows in barely two years, he visited Algeria, Oslo, Lorient, Le Chatre, Glasgow, Lisbon, Madrid and Brussels.

      His second album with Adufeiras de Salitre «Noró (Algunhas músicas do norte)» Músicas de Salitre 2018 ©, highlighted the music from the Peninsular Northwest. Now comes the third album as a result of that collaboration.


      As Catedrais Silenciadas (The Silenced Cathedrals) is the third album of Xabier Díaz with Adufeiras de Salitre, surely the work that best reflects the essence of their encounter and probably the one that explores the limits of this format more deeply. It arrives after an extensive tour across more than 13 countries and 200 concerts. The title is a warning call for the progressive rural depopulation and the loss of identity this implies: the disappearance of our culture, the base of our difference in the world. The Silenced Cathedrals are the old oaks, the language, the alalás (traditional galician song), the name of the rocks, the cows or the old ribeiranas (traditional galician dance). They need to be restored and used in order to grow stronger and capture the hearts of those who don't know them.

      Tracklist hide

      CD 1
      • 1.Primeiro04:11
      • 2.No salón das cereixas05:14
      • 3.Tentenublo05:16
      • 4.As catedrais silenciadas04:33
      • 5.Amiga siempre03:41
      • 6.Botei un ai!03:13
      • 7.Unha, dúas, tres e catro04:34
      • 8.Agarrado de Vilar de Cabeiras 2.003:58
      • 9.Muiñeiras ao puño04:40
      • 10.Illas de sal04:15
      • Total:43:35