World Music  Orient
Masters of Frame Drums Elements 2GN010 CD
Auf Lager. Sofort lieferbar. Lieferung bis Dienstag, 18. März 2025 Preis: 17,98 EURO

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FormatAudio CD
LabelSeyir Muzik
Erschienen am27.03.2020

Hersteller/EU Verantwortliche Person

  • UnternehmensnameSeyir Muzik asbl
  • AdresseRue du Bailly, 52, 1050 Ixelles, BE
Tags: arabisch


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      Beschreibung weniger

      Als „Masters of Frame Drums“ haben sich vier international renommierte Perkussionisten versammelt. Auf „Elements“ finden sich Glen Velez (USA), Zohar Fresco (Israel), Andrea Piccioni (Italien) und Murat Coskun (D/Türkei) zu einem „Gipfeltreffen der Rahmentrommeln“ ein und präsentieren ihr einzigartiges und wahrhaft Grenzen überschreitendes Projekt. Wie im Grundgedanken der vier Elemente, der sich durch die verschiedensten Kulturen zieht, bringen die Musiker ihre eigenen und oft konträren Einflüsse mit, um dabei jedoch immer aufeinander einzugehen und sich gegenseitig zu beeinflussen. Ob perkussive Einflüsse der Sufi-Traditionen, die Virtuosität und Lyrik im israelischen Gesang, dem Klang amerikanischer Schamanenrituale und Anleihen aus italienischem Folk und Jazz, die „Masters of Frame Drums“ faszinieren und überraschen gleichermaßen.

      Glen Velez
      Four time Grammy Award, winner, Glen Velez is the founding Father of the modern frame drum movement and is regarded as a legendary figure among musicians and audiences world-wide. Velez brought a new genre of drumming to the contemporary music scene by creating his own performance style inspired by years of percussion and frame drumming studies from various cultures. Velez’s virtuosic combinations of hand movements, finger techniques, along with his original compositional style, which incorporates stepping, drum language and Central Asian Overtone singing (split-tone singing), has undoubtedly opened new possibilities for musicians around the globe, resulting in a shift in modern percussion. In 2014, Glen was inducted into the Percussive Arts Society's Hall of Fame.

      Zohar Fresco
      Born in Israel to a family with deep roots in Turkey and as a descendant of Tamburi Izhak Fresco, remarkable, well known Jewish Turkish composer who lived in 18th-19th centuries, Zohar was drawn to music at an early age and revealed a major influence of the music of his origins. Fresco understood the great value and the wide musical range that exists in the tof miriam and dedicated his life to the development of a new fingering technique and a unique musical language by the name MANEGINA. In doing so Fresco created his own drumming style and became a mentor to musicians all over the world who followed him, learned the secrets of his musical method and adapted his drumming style in their musical work.

      Andrea Piccioni
      Andrea Piccioni is a master performer on frame drums and author of a technical and stylistic renewal on the Italian tamburello, has crossed with his style the boundaries of jazz, world, and early music. ?He touring worldwide with artists such as Bobby McFerrin, Paul McCandless, Gianluigi Trovesi, Wu Man, Basel Rajoub, Luciano Biondini, Manfred Leuchter, Lucilla Galeazzi, Dónal Lunny, Caitriona O'Léary, Les Haulz et Les Bas. It is also a popular teacher at major festivals, universities and conservatories around the world.

      Murat Coskun
      Turkey/ Germany
      Based on his study of music ethnology and his Oriental studies, he serves as an intermediary between the musical worlds of the Orient and the West, draws from a large music repertoire of the most varied of cultures and deals with many directions of style such as Jazz, world music, early music, classics and experimental percussion.?Numerous CD recordings and radio productions such as with the SWR and Deutschland Radio and TV productions such as for ZDF, ARTE, BR and SWR provide an extension of his artistic career. In addition, he also composes film and stage music. Murat Coskun is the founder and director of the international frame drum festival Tamburi Mundi which he organizes since 11 years in Freiburg (Germany).

      Titelliste weniger

      CD 1
      • 1.Orientation07:28
      • 2.Echad06:04
      • 3.Lost06:51
      • 4.Theia07:07
      • 5.Here now06:14
      • 6.Dani lo05:52
      • 7.Melfuffin05:39
      • 8.Kedi yedi03:46
      • 9.Miriam Ha´nevia05:11
      • Total:54:12