Jazz  Rhythm and Blues
Ray Charles The Complete 1961 Paris Recordings FA5748 3 CD
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Price: 23.98 EURO

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Format3 Audio CD
Ordering NumberFA5748
labelFremeaux & Associes
Release date9/20/2019

Manufacturer/EU Representative

  • Company nameFREMEAUX & ASSOCIES
  • Adresse20 rue Robert Giraudineau, 94300 VINCENNES, FR
  • e-Mailinfo@galileo-mc.de

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      Description hide

      After giving an eventful concert in Antibes/Juan-les-Pins in July ‘61, Ray Charles went back to France in October, but this time to Paris for a series of memorable performances. This set was prepared by Joël Dufour, one of the world’s specialists in matters concerning Brother Ray, and its historic value makes it essential listening… because it contains the only live performances where Ray Charles swapped his piano for a Hammond organ. With 25 previously unreleased titles and bonuses, this special box provides a brand-new perspective of the man nicknamed the Genius, a generous, virtuoso musician who enjoyed an imperial reign. Patrick FRÉMEAUX

      Tracklist hide

      hide CD 1
      • 1.Stockholm sweetnin' (from the october 22, 1961, afternoon concert)05:26
      • 2.Whisper not (from the october 22, 1961, evening concert)03:10
      • 3.One mint julep (the october 21, 1961, performance)02:50
      • 4.From the heart (the october 21, 1961, performance)03:33
      • 5.Moanin' (the october 21, 1961, performance)03:28
      • 6.Let the good times roll (the october 21, 1961, performance)02:32
      • 7.Georgia on my mind (the october 21, 1961, performance)07:39
      • 8.Hallelujah i love her so (the october 21, 1961, performance)03:12
      • 9.Just for a thrill (the october 21, 1961, performance)06:41
      • 10.Margie (the october 21, 1961, performance)02:41
      • 11.Alexander's ragtime band (the october 21, 1961, performance)02:39
      • 12.I believe to my soul (the october 21, 1961, performance)03:52
      • 13.My bonnie (the october 21, 1961, performance)03:37
      • 14.I wonder (the october 21, 1961, performance)03:56
      • 15.Sticks and stones (the october 21, 1961, performance)03:23
      • 16.My baby (the october 21, 1961, performance)04:44
      • 17.Hit the road jack (the october 21, 1961, performance)02:35
      • 18.Come rain or come shine (the october 21, 1961, performance)07:07
      • 19.What'd i say (the october 21, 1961, performance)05:27
      • Total:01:18:32
      more CD 2
      • 1.Dat dere (from the october 22, 1961, evening concert)04:11
      • 2.Solitude (from the october 22, 1961, afternoon concert)04:19
      • 3.One mint julep (from the october 22, 1961, afternoon performance)02:55
      • 4.Moanin' (from the october 22, 1961, afternoon performance)03:38
      • 5.Doodlin' (from the october 22, 1961, afternoon performance)07:52
      • 6.From the heart (from the october 22, 1961, afternoon performance)03:34
      • 7.Hallelujah i love her so (from the october 22, 1961, afternoon performance)03:19
      • 8.Georgia on my mind (from the october 22, 1961, afternoon performance)07:29
      • 9.Margie (from the october 22, 1961, afternoon performance)02:38
      • 10.I've got news for you (from the october 22, 1961, afternoon performance)04:14
      • 11.Alexander's ragtime band (from the october 22, 1961, afternoon performance)02:41
      • 12.I believe to my soul (from the october 22, 1961, afternoon performance)03:47
      • 13.My bonnie (from the october 22, 1961, afternoon performance)03:34
      • 14.I wonder (from the october 22, 1961, afternoon performance)03:46
      • 15.Yes indeed (from the october 22, 1961, afternoon performance)02:54
      • 16.My baby (from the october 22, 1961, afternoon performance)04:34
      • 17.Hit the road jack (from the october 22, 1961, afternoon performance)02:32
      • 18.I'm gonna move to the outskirts of town (from the october 22, 1961, afternoon performance)04:38
      • 19.What'd i say 2 (from the october 22, 1961, afternoon performance)05:57
      • Total:01:18:32
      more CD 3
      • 1.Roll in g (from the october 21, 1961, concert)08:43
      • 2.One mint julep (from the october 22, 1961, evening performance)02:57
      • 3.Doodlin' (from the october 22, 1961, evening performance)07:32
      • 4.Moanin' (from the october 22, 1961, evening performance)03:44
      • 5.Let the good times roll (from the october 22, 1961, evening performance)02:32
      • 6.Come rain or come shine (from the october 22, 1961, evening performance)06:58
      • 7.Hallelujah i love her so (from the october 22, 1961, evening performance)03:20
      • 8.I'm gonna move to the outskirts of town (from the october 22, 1961, evening performance)05:12
      • 9.Margie (from the october 22, 1961, evening performance)02:28
      • 10.Georgia on my mind (from the october 22, 1961, evening performance)07:27
      • 11.Alexander's ragtime band (from the october 22, 1961, evening performance)02:32
      • 12.I wonder (from the october 22, 1961, evening performance)03:59
      • 13.My bonnie (from the october 22, 1961, evening performance)03:56
      • 14.My baby (from the october 22, 1961, evening performance)04:31
      • 15.Hit the road jack (from the october 22, 1961, evening performance)02:33
      • 16.I believe to my soul (from the october 22, 1961, evening performance)03:43
      • 17.What'd i say (from the october 22, 1961, evening performance)05:56
      • Total:01:18:03