Rock  Reggae
Umberto Echo Oneness In Dub (180g Vinyl) ONE037 LP
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Price: 20.98 EURO

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FormatVinyl LP
Ordering NumberONE037
labelOneness Records / Soulfire Artists
Release date10/19/2018

Manufacturer/EU Representative

  • Company nameOneness Records, Zecher, von Korff, Winter GbR
  • AdresseWilramstrasse 61, 81669 München, DE

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      Description hide

      Oneness in Dub is Umberto Echo’s homage to the drum, bass and 10 years of real roots Reggae from yaad and abroad on the Oneness Records label. Oneness in Dub features a curated selection of singles from Oneness Records‘ catalog, that Umberto Echo has branded with his distinctly intricate quality, which defines the label’s sound. The album includes one of the first dub versions Umberto Echo created for Oneness Records - "Jah Words" by Luciano - which was also on Oneness Records first ever release in 2007. Four out of 10 tracks on the album - including "Leluhur Dub" ft. Ras Muhamad and "Guiding Light Dub" ft. Sizzla and Mark Wonder - are brand new releases. The previously released tracks were enhanced with overdubs and other sonic elements, which gives them a whole new vibe and fresh appeal.

      Tracklist hide

      LP 1
      • Seite A
        • 1.The System Dub feat. Denham Smith04:03
        • 2.Guiding Light Dubmix feat. Sizzla & Mark Wonder04:34
        • 3.Heads Up Dubmix feat Jr. Kelly03:56
        • 4.Modern Man Dubmix. feat Morgan Heritage03:48
        • 5.Better Days Dubmix feat. Dub Inc. & Jahcoustix04:42
      • Seite B
        • 6.Rejoice Dubmix feat. Jah9 & Sara Lugo04:31
        • 7.Energy Dubmix feat. Runkus05:25
        • 8.Take Set Dubmix feat. Naptali & Arofat03:27
        • 9.Leluhur Dubmix feat. Ras Muhamad05:22
        • 10.Travelling Dub feat. Iba Mahr03:30
      • Total:43:18