World Music  Cajun
Un Film De Jean-Pierre Bruneau Dedans Le Sud De La Louisiane (Accompagné Du CD Les Haricots Sont Pas Salés) FA4031 DVD + CD
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Price: 23.98 EURO

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Ordering NumberFA4031
labelFremeaux & Associes
Release date10/14/2016

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      This set contains two essential historic documents dealing with the music and culture of the Cajuns and Creoles of Louisiana. The CD and the film presented here resulted from the travels of fi lmmaker Jean-Pierre Bruneau, who in the Seventies was one of the rare people to take an interest in this music that was sill marginal and unrecognized at that time. The music here comes from a hybrid, fragile French-speaking culture that managed to somehow survive in the isolated world of the marshlands and bayous of southern Louisiana. Above and beyond its obvious natural heritage value, this set provides direct testimony of a period considered to be this music’s Golden Age, and features the greatest musicians of the time, all of them legends today: the Balfa brothers, Clifton Chenier, Bee Fontenot, Alphonse “Bois Sec” Ardoin and Canray Fontenot. Patrick FRÉMEAUX & Philippe KRÜMM

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