World Music  Frankreich  Music Hall
Various Artists Paris Musette LLL137 CD
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Price: 15.98 EURO

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FormatAudio CD
Ordering NumberLLL137
labelLa Lichere
Release date4/1/2015

Manufacturer/EU Representative

  • Company nameFREMEAUX & ASSOCIES
  • Adresse20 rue Robert Giraudineau, 94300 VINCENNES, FR

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      Jazz,and Java have had for all eternity only two words to say. They are stories of man and women , songs of musicians that owe and play at the same time for the dancers and for the musicians. Yes : a music of musician for musician. Franck Bergerot has united only the best artists, the most famous (Marcel Azzola), the most surprising (the voval virtuosity of Minvielle) and tender ones. "La Valse a Margaux" by Richard Galliano is perfect. That's rare, perfection. Features Marcel Azzola, Richard Galliano, Jo Privat, Marc Perrone, André Minvielle, Didier Roussin, and many others.

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