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Ludivine Sagnier & Jean-Pierre Marielle Le Vilain Petit Canard & Autres Contes - Andersen FA855 CD
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Price: 15.98 EURO

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FormatAudio CD
Ordering NumberFA855
Release date4/1/2015

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      Andersen is part of the greatest tradition of tales writer, this specific type of work delivering very interesting messages to the readers of any ages. The present records features one of his most famous taile : “Le Vilain petit canard” (The Ugly Ducking). Through the story is delivered a moral of acceptation of every kind of differences, red here in French by young and brilliant Ludivine Sagnier. Mythic Jean-Pierre Marielle reads two other tales : “Les Habits neufs de l’Empereur” (The emperor’s different clothes) and “La Princesse au petit pois” (The Princess and the Pea. All the reading are surrounded with a original music composition by Vincent Bouchot for 5 musicians.

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