World Music  Allgemein  Akkordeon
Polkas Et Mazurkas Du Bal Populaire FranÇAis 1939-1959 Javas Danses Du Monde - Europe Et Amerique Du Nord, Vol. 7 FA5327 CD
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Price: 15.98 EURO

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FormatAudio CD
Ordering NumberFA5327
Release date4/1/2015

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      Javas, polkas and mazurkas have always been part of French popular ballrooms, and contributed to their success in the Forties and Fifties. This CD belongs to the “Dance Master Classics” anthology, a collection of 20 discs compiled by specialists in each of dancing’s domains. Gathered here in almost exhaustive fashion for the very first time, this a panorama of the best titles in dancehistory, grouped by aesthetic form, follow one special guiding principle: to magnify the relationship between dancers and music. Noël Hervé & Patrick Frémeaux

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